Thursday, August 9, 2012

Next stop: Danzig

What the title says! Want to guess how much it cost me to get here from Warsaw (hint: it's 350 km and 6 hours on the train)? Give up? 33 zloty or EIGHT. EUROS. Three cheers for Poland and no cheers for Deutsche Bahn!

First things first, Danzig has a gorgeous train station (above). Apparently there's a carbon copy of it in Japan, but there it's a wedding chapel. I have been unable to verify this information, but I'm considering it legit because I think it's funny.

I like most harbour cities and so far Danzig is no exception, except that it's afflicted with the universal curse of the seaside: strollers. And not the kind with babies in them, but those people who walk so slowly that you swear they must be forming the impulse to move each leg separately in their brains before carrying it out. Where a normal person thinks, "Hey, I'll just walk over there," a stroller thinks, "Hey, I'll move my left foot forward. Oh man, that was a huge success. Let's try the right one, just for kicks! Wow, that was great. How about trying the left one again?" It's almost like they're "enjoying the journey" or something.

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