Thursday, September 27, 2012

Linguistic differences

As previously discussed, I love the German language. But as also previously discussed, I love JOKEZ more.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Canadians for sale or rent

Today in Useless Fun Facts About Germany (UFFAG? I'll keep working on it), Germans call canoes Kanadier, or "Canadians". As in, "Hey, you know what we should do today? Rent a Canadian and ride it down the river." Me: "GUYS I'M RIGHT HERE."

I don't know if it's one of those generic trademark situations or just a free association that stuck really well, but it's always fun to pass shops with "End of summer sale: all Canadians, 40% off" signs in the window. Get 'em while they're cheap!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Comedic stylings

What has four wheels and comes after the pre-nup?

Thank you... thank you. I'll be here all week.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The day of reckoning

Part of moving is rediscovering all the stuff you thought you would someday find a use for and coming to the realization that there never was one and that you're just a hoarder. For me, that meant finding these:

Now, some (most?) people would have just sighed and thrown them out. But others, with inquiring minds and an abundance of time, might decide to sort and count them and tabulate the results for... posterity? Sure! So, out of 183 Ritter Sport bars consumed by yours truly (with some assistance, I hope and presume) in the period between January 2011 and August 2012,

42 were Halbbitter*
41 were Marzipan
20 were Mousse au Chocolat
15 were Nougat
12 were Noisette
8 were Olympia
7 were Pfefferminz
7 were Amarena Kirsch, and
31 were something else (aka the lesser Ritter Sport flavours)

Would you like to see that represented as a pie chart? Of course you would!

Unfortunately there are some weaknesses in this study. I didn't save every wrapper - some were lost in transit. Some of the wrappers (and the chocolate they once contained) were won in bets, meaning that the contents did not accurately represent my preferences, but rather those of the bet loser. However, I think that the sample size is sufficient to compensate for the effects of these factors.

*Halbbitter chocolate therefore mathematically = the meaning of life.