Monday, April 23, 2012

Oh man

If you liked my last movie recommendation, you're going to love this one. Just kidding, they're totally different. But they're both great!

This one is called Max Manus: Man of War and the tagline is "They stole his country. Now he wants it back." Yes, that's a very douchey title. Yes, the tagline is even douchier. But - BUT - the movie is awesome. It's ironic, because I think the people who would enjoy this movie would be totally alienated by the way it's advertised, and the people who are drawn in by the title/tagline would hate it.

The movie is about the Norwegian resistance during the Second World War, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Norwegian resistance was one of the most bad-ass resistance movements. But it's not just about blowing stuff up and running from the Nazis (although it is definitely about those things) - it's also about the emotional impact of dedicating yourself to a cause that ends up killing most of your friends and making you question what you're even fighting for. Deep, right?

Oh, and you will have to watch it with subtitles (unless you speak Norwegian), but it's very much worth it.

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